What happens when you combine The Constitution, Parenting Wisdom, Affidavit Tips, The Bible, and Political Evangelism? You get Kirk Beck! Check out this exclusive interview with Kirk, Author of the self-help book, Parenting the Passive Rebel, and of the upcoming novel, Officer Hanson. Check out this exclusive interview with Kirk by selecting your favorite platform below and clicking the link:
Join us today for our latest FiYA Conversation with Kirk Beck. He speaks about some foundational principles of our moral responsibility to uphold the United States Constitution by staying true to the word of God by advocating for the vulnerable through Common Law, engaging the culture through political evangelism, purposeful parenting, and so much more.
To get the free gift he mentions on the show, go to: https://www.affidavitsecrets.com/fiya
K. Arnold Beck is a lifelong educator who has spent decades teaching mathematics and civics. He is a past editorialist for a major newspaper in Colorado. He has been involved in political actions ever since the debacle of the Vietnam War. His passion has been to seek alternatives to the violence that continues to pervade America.
Officer Hanson grew out from the author’s interaction with Threat Management Center of Detroit and Jack and Margy Flynn. The former has trained law enforcement personnel in the art of disarming violent situations by the use of compassion and psychology. The latter have been teaching Americans civics for over six decades, emphasizing the power of the right to petition for redress of grievances to sustain the true boundaries of the common law.
“Officer Hanson” is a narrative that is based upon many actual happenings that the author has had with law enforcement and the courts. It provides a blueprint for better training for police and demonstrates how citizens can be responsible for peace and justice in our communities. An apathetic and ill-informed populace is the primary reason for the growing lack of respect for our men and women in blue.
If James Bryce is correct when he says, “The worth of a book is to be measured by what you can carry away from it,” then K. Arnold Beck’s “Officer Hanson, Compassion in Blue” is worthy indeed. His tale of Officer Hanson’s life as he stands by his beliefs in the face of many challenges has many teaching moments that readers will enjoy reading.
Check out the new book and music album combo by Jason C. Johnson Sr., Grace Plus Truth: How to Walk in Faith and Freedom By Exploring the Last Adam's Impact on Salvation, Holiness, and the Christian Life. Listen to the Audiobook HERE To listen to the whole album and download the book for free, visit: https://www.vytalmusic.com/exclusive-album-preview